Sunflower in field in Wichita, Kansas
The Midwest Momma Collective star graphic
Amanda Janzen, IBCLC, breastfeeding baby in Kansas
Informed Choice. Ignited Confidence. Intimate Care.

Information to support your instincts!

The Midwest Momma Collective

The Midwest Momma Collective

We Support all Feeding Journeys.

Our goal is to help you have a safe, positive, and fulfilling feeding experience, no matter how your baby receives nutrition. Breastmilk, Donor Milk, Formula? Breastfeeding, Bottlefeeding, Tube Feeding? There is no shame in your feeding game!

Mother and baby's hands holding yellow flower in Wichita, Kansas
Amanda Janzen, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, in Kansas Flint Hills
The Midwest Momma Collective star graphic

Hi Friend!

I’m Amanda,  A “re-TIRED” Labor & Delivery Nurse, turned private practice IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) serving families across the flinthills of Kansas. 

Redemptive feeding journeys fuel everything that I do here at TMMCO. As an IBCLC, I provide lactation and infant feeding support to the mother-baby dyad. Unlike OBGYNs with a special focus on mom and pediatricians with a special focus on baby, as your IBCLC I am dedicated to helping you have a positive and empowering feeding experience, with evidence-based resources and recommendations from actual lactation experts.

IBCLC, Amanda Janzen, teaching prenatal breastfeeding to mother in Emporia, Kansas
Woman hands typing on laptop in Emporia, Kansas

Check Insurance Coverage

Health insurance plans are required to provide breastfeeding support, counseling, and equipment for the duration of breastfeeding under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Lactation Network (TLN) has simplified the billing process for *most* insurance plans. See if your insurance has pre-approved UNLIMITED VISITS with NO OUT-OF-POCKET COSTS by filling out our lactation consult request form below.

The Midwest Momma Collective

The Midwest Momma Collective

Free Downloads

Tools & Resources

  • Baby on back in crib bed in Topeka, Kansas


    Falling asleep with baby on a couch or chair? Honest conversations start here.

  • Amanda Janzen, Lactation Consultant, holding baby outside in Wichita, Kansas


    You weren’t meant to do this alone. Find your village of providers who care.

  • Potted plant with IBCLC, Amanda Janzen holding newborn in background


    A one-stop-shop for all things boobs, babies, and breast/bottlefeeding.

Kind Words

  • “To any momma new in their breastfeeding journey, consider an online lactation consultant. Amanda helped me in so many ways during those critical first weeks.”

    - ANSLEY

  • “If it wasn't for Amanda, my breastfeeding journey would have ended a long time ago. She gave me the confidence I needed while providing the best thing for my baby.”

    - ALEXA

  • “Amanda has been by my side since day one. Breastfeeding is tough work, tougher than you'd imagine before the journey ever begins (even with baby number two). Having her love, support, and knowledge brings me absolute comfort and confidence.”


Goodbye Google

→ How much alcohol is okay if I’m breastfeeding?
→ Do I need to ‘pump and dump’ with this medication?
→ Is my baby getting enough breastmilk?
→ Why is my baby not sleeping through the night?
→ Why is my baby so fussy? Is it something that I’m eating?
→ Is this baby poop normal?

The questions are endless and I never want misinformation to derail you in meeting your feeding goals. Schedule a telehealth consult for evidence-based recommendations from an infant feeding expert.

In the Shop

Our Flange Fairy™ Breast Pump Flange Sizing Kit is live on AMAZON! Can’t schedule a consult? No problem! Every purchase comes with an EXCLUSIVE flange sizing video tutorial from me, an IBCLC working with pumping parents everyday. Trash the sizing recommendations from pump companies who continue to send a size 12 shoe (flange) with every pump kit. Let’s bring a little more magic to your pumping experience.